Member Spotlight: Tyler!

Full name: Patrick Tyler Tankersley

Personal web location:
(though I don’t use it much anymore)

Alyssa: Tyler, how would you best define community?
Tyler: Friends who feel like family.

Nerf or nothin'

Alyssa: Tyler, what is your dream job?
Tyler: Hmm…honestly…I think I would love to be a Postal Carrier. Not one who rides around and sticks hands into mailboxes, but a Postal Carrier who walks around and gets to know a neighborhood. Either that for a Hebrew Bible professor. Of course, in the right context, I think I might even enjoy being a pastor.

Amber: What book in the Bible do you find is the most inspiring for how to live your life and why?
Tyler: Ezekiel. Hands down. Here’s a man who begins his life being groomed for priesthood when suddenly the experience of exile rips that future from him. So, he adapts. He becomes this odd mix of priest-prophet. And he somehow transforms his whole existence and identity into a symbol of hope for some exiled, down-and-out folks. It’s a great story.

Mark: Why do you want to be ordained?
Tyler: Two reasons:

  1. My community of faith (Second Baptist) asked me to be. I take that request very seriously and see it as a humbling honor that they would see qualities in me that would move them towards asking that of me.
  2. Ordination is a symbol for me. It is a reminder to (no matter what career I choose) be a servant who always considers how my life and resources can be used to bring the Dream of God into this world.

Alyssa: Tyler, what do you most enjoy about working with youth?
Tyler: It’s the combination of their need for comfort and their desire to break free.

Josh: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Tyler: I’m honestly not sure. I am enjoying what I do now, but I could also see myself just simply dropping it and moving on to something else at some point. Who knows?

Josh: What makes you angry?
Tyler: Self-centeredness.

What is the biggest problem in the world?

Jay: Tyler, what is the meaning of life?
Tyler: As Zen as this may sound, I truly do believe that everyone has to figure that out for themselves. We can obviously state what the meaning of our lives is (as far as we know) and perhaps our reasoning will resonate with another. But I don’t think there is an overall answer that can be applied to each and every human journey. For me, I would say that my life (at least I hope) is a perpetual journey towards goodness and grace.

Jess: What song inspires you the most?
Tyler:Breathe Me” by Sia (at the moment). Those last scenes of Six Feet Under are really powerful and they inspire me to live every moment of life with appreciation.

Favorite songs/artists: Either Ben Folds, Sufjan Stevens, or Gungor.

Jess: Who is your favorite movie/television character?
Tyler: Well, the answer to that question changes frequently. I just finished watching a French movie (Des Hommes et Des Dieux / Of Gods and Men) about a group of Trappist monks who stick by their commitments in light of numerous threats. It’s an inspiring story, so I would currently answer that question by saying those blessed brothers.

Kayla: Favorite Arrested Development quote?
Tyler: This gets pretty close at it:

To be honest, I tend to simply immerse myself in my family, friends, and work. Those are my hobbies. Those and reading. I do love me some reading.

Josh: What would you say is your greatest ethical concern at the moment?
Tyler: Currently, I am wrestling with my eating habits. Specifically, I don’t want to contribute to cycles of needless violence towards animals, however I am not completely convinced that being vegetarian is the appropriate or even effective response.

Josh: In a chess match between Ben Linus and Batman, who would win?
Tyler: Ben would somehow manipulate Batman into sacrificing his own King all in the name of “Jacob.” Of course, once the game is over Batman would just pummel Ben’s face. Not sure who comes out on top in the long run.

Jay: Do you have a favorite place? If so, where?
Tyler: My grandparents’ home in Grassy, MO is the most holy place on the earth. Every inch of that place speaks scores of memories to my soul. My grandparents are in the twilight of their lives, and they are not the same people they were when I was a kid. But when I go back to their house, it reminds me of what life with them used to be like. It is literally my favorite place on the whole planet.

Amber: What is your favorite time of day?
Tyler: For whatever reason I have always loved 11:00 AM-12:00 PM. Especially when it’s cloudy and windy, but not raining.

Jess: Describe your perfect day.
Tyler: Today. I slept in. Had a delicious breakfast. Laid on the couch with Jess just talking for about two hours. Read a few chapters in the book I’m reading. We grabbed a cheap lunch and walked around World Market. Came home. Hung out with the youth for a little while. Watched a movie while I ate Thai food. Ending it all by slipping into bed next to Jess. About as close to a perfect day as I can imagine.

Amber: What will you do with all your time when you aren’t in school anymore?
Tyler: I would imagine spend time with my son. It’s going to be so great.

Kayla: What about fatherhood makes you the most excited?
Tyler: I think it’s the feeling of trying to provide a place for my kid to discern who they are and what they want out of life. And then being a part of their journey in figuring all that out.

Mark: What will you and Jess name your child?
Tyler:Bob Evans Tankersley

Alyssa: Tyler, where do babies come from?
Tyler: Jess

Jess: Where do babies come from?
Tyler: You.

Personal heros:
Batman. Paul Farmer. St. Francis of Assisi. My friends. Anyone who puts the needs of others before their own.

Jess: Why do you always splatter toothpaste all over the mirror?
Tyler: To keep you guessing.

Amber: How do you even get toothpaste on the mirror?
Tyler: It’s easier than you’d imagine.

Jay: Invisibility or flight?
Tyler: I have a recurring dream in which I have extremely distinct sensations of flying. It was me simply propelling upwards. I honestly would love to feel that in reality. So, flight. Definitely flight.

Mark: How are you most like Patrick?
Tyler:My Dad and I both love being around people. However, we also really require moments of solitude. Also, my Dad and I can throw back snacks like there’s no tomorrow.

Josh: What makes you hangry?
Tyler: A lack of snacks in the house.

Jay: Tyler, where did your interest in animals originate?
Tyler: Hmm…I have always been fascinated with animals. My Grandma & Grandpa (who had cable!) used to tape Discovery Channel documentaries that Caleb and I would watch over and over and over. I think my fascination with animals was rejuvenated when my animal companion, Walter, came into my life. Knowing him has really been a joy that I feel privileged to experience. As cheesy as it may sound to some, Walter is truly one of my best friends.

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Member Interview: Amber!!

Full name? Amber Kay Howard

blog: Adventures in Togetherness

What is intentional community to you? Sharing the joys and burdens of life with a close group of people who spur each other on and are committed to one another.

Alyssa: Amber, what is your favorite part of living in community?
Being able to serve one another in small ways every day that adds up to serving one another in pretty big ways over time.

Jess: Amber, what is a memory you will always cherish?
Amber: This one right now – eating mint chip ice cream while a Spring breeze blows by in the dining room of a house filled with people whom I love. I try to cherish all memories. 🙂

Alyssa: Amber, when can we build tiny houses together?
YES! Perhaps two tiny houses right next to each other! Maybe even a whole tiny house community where our dog is welcome in every house and your cats roam freely from person to person and everyone shares the work of gardening together and and and… Okay, maybe a little too romanticized, but yes, I would love that!

Personal hero? Anne Sullivan

Tyler: Why do you want to teach?
Well, last year I was working with high school students that were reading at third grade levels. They could barely read the newspaper. I realized I was getting really mad about it because I see a whole lot of injustice in that on many different levels. I guess I kind of want to do something about that small corner of injustice in the world.

Marilyn: What’s your favorite kind of book to read?
I am really into memoirs right now. But my all time favorite is probably adolescent novels. 🙂

Jay: What is your favorite children’s picture book?
Ooo, that’s a hard one. Rainbow Fish is up there pretty high along with The Kissing Hand, and all of Eric Carle‘s artistic masterpieces.

Jess: What did you love the most during your under graduate days?
Amber: I know this sounds cheesy and pretty canned, but the community. The apartment and Florida and the people in my life during my UG days impacted my life in huge ways and helped shape who I am today. And created a passion for community in me now. 🙂

Alyssa: Amber, what are you most excited for about graduate school?
I am pretty pumped to learn more strategies and techniques to help kids learn to read and write and actually love both things.

Jess: Who inspires you?

  • Career-Wise: Anne Sullivan, and my friend Ginger who is a reading specialist.
  • Life-Wise: people who live really simply such as Jess Tank, Alyssa, tiny house people, etc.
  • Spiritually: people who aren’t afraid to ask and discuss the hard questions like Josh, Jay, Mark, Tyler, Kayla, Marilyn etc.

Kayla: What is your favorite cross-cultural memory?
Being able to bless the Ringers and you when we visited Thailand. I realized on that trip that while I am not called to be a missionary, I am called to encourage those who are doing the work, kind of like Paul.

Tyler: What does “sabbath” mean for you?
Sabbath to me means pursing what will bring you the deepest joy. (I stole that from the Sabbath Ancient Practices Book.) For me, some days that I set aside for Sabbath look like the typical Sabbath – resting and reading books on picnic blankets in the yard. Other days pursuing my deepest joy looks like creating something or even running errands. It’s all about what mindset you are in and what will be the most fulfilling for that day set aside for Sabbath.

Josh: When do you feel closest to the Divine?
In nature. Can we go camping soon please?

Kayla: Amber, what are your favorite ways to serve others?
I like to cook for people!

Alyssa: Amber, what is your favorite dish to cook?
I like to cook dishes that everyone can choose their own adventure in such as build your own burrito, create your own salad, make your own smoothie. I like offering lots of options and then everyone gets what they want.

Marilyn: What is your favorite fruit?
All of them!

Alyssa: Amber, what has been your most rewarding gardening experience?
Last year in Pittsburgh when we purchased a bunch of seeds and built a raised bed right in front of our house. That was the first garden that I had a hand in from start to harvest. It was great to come up with the ideas and everyone ran with it and we ate so much stuff from that tiny garden! Also, it was cool to write a grant for funding for a community garden and receive that grant! This summer Homewood in Pittsburgh will have several community gardens in vacant lots! Yay!

The beginnings of our community square foot garden in Pittsburgh.

Jay: What is your favorite game or games?
Catch Phrase, The Game of Things, Spades, Hungry Hungry Hippos and Duck Duck Goose.

Josh: Have you ever had a recurring dream? What was it?
I used to have this dream that was just like the episode from Garfield where John Arbuncle had to drive his car into the volcano, except I was driving the car with Elivis Presley off a cliff.

 Jess: What is your favorite movie?
Amber: Fox and the Hound – pleeeeease can we watch this soon?

Tyler: Where do babies come from?
These videos might help explain that:

Jess: I don’t remember where I have heard this question before, but… If you had one minute to broadcast a message on the radio to everyone in the world, what would you say?
Amber: I think I got all the hard questions for my interview! I would probably tell people something like we all need to love each other and ourselves. Sometimes the latter is the hardest. I would use more words than that.

Marilyn: How did you know Jay was “the one?”
Well, when we started calling each other just to comment on the beauty of the sunset, I was pretty sold. Then God just kept showing me that Jay was the one made for me through little things, like pulling a jar of tobasco sauce from his pocket when someone happened to need some tobasco sauce, scavenger hunts in parks, rooftop talks at twilight, messy fingerpaintings, and sharing similar passions and dreams.

Jay: What is your favorite TV show or shows?
Parks and Rec is really entertaining me right now. My favorite TV show of all time is probably MASH. Thanks, Dad.

Josh: What’s on your bucket list?
I would like some buckets for making laundry soap in. I also like using buckets to build sandcastles. Buckets come in handy for gardening. Oh, and buckets of money aren’t too bad either.

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Community Values

At community dinner last week we did an activity called “individual values/group values.” This activity was taken from the book Creating a Life Together by Diana Leafe Christian.

We were each given several post-it notes and a marker. Before the activity, we were asked to reflect on the times in our life when we felt “most alive in community”. Drawing on those reflections, we were then asked to write down words (hopes, aspirations, feelings, etc) that capture the essence of what we most valued in our various experiences with community. We then took turns telling each other our stories of community, and putting our post-it notes on a marker board.

Afterward, we began rearranging the post-it notes in order to look for themes. Nine themes emerged:

  • Common Goals
  • Common activity
  • Intentionality
  • Faith/spirituality
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Discussion
  • Care
  • Service
  • Food
  • Solitude

Once all the post-it notes were grouped together, we looked at them and were each asked to put a star next to four post-its that stood out to us. As shown in the photograph above, the results of this activity read as follows:

Observations about this data:

  • Common Goals is the most strongly represented value, followed by Common Activity and Intentionality.
  • The concepts Common Goals and Common Activity are strongly linked. Together, these concepts represent the most strongly represented value.
  • Rhythms and Openness about Personal Needs were the two most starred individual values.

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Action Points:

At an upcoming community meeting, we plan to take another look at the results of this activity and generate action points to help us continue to turn our abstract values into concrete activities. The goal of these action points is to strengthen the fabric of our community and make our lives together even more rewarding. Stay tuned!

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Member Interview: Joshua Smith!

Full name: Joshua Paul Smith. I’m named after my grandpa, Roger.

Personal blog:
I’m also working on putting together a new one at

What is intentional community to you?
I think intentional community is a concerted effort by people with a shared vision or goals to mutually submit to one another for the sake of that vision. Community invites individuals to step beyond the confines of selfishness and realize that there’s more to life than our own little world. Intentional community is the Kingdom of God.


Amber: “What kind of creative activity would you say is your favorite?”
Joshua: Probably writing poetry. But the there’s a weird feeling that I get when I know that I’m working on something good, and that feeling is rare. So although poetry is my favorite thing to create, it’s also one of the things I do least often.

Alyssa: “What is your favorite music to listen to? To play?”
Joshua: My favorite kind of music to listen to is anything with a philosophical twist, preferably a concept album–mewithoutYou’s It’s All Crazy… comes to mind. But when I play, folk music is in my blood. My favorite song to play is our arrangement of “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around/Go Down Moses.” It tells a story, and conveys a lot of soul.

A few favorite songs:
I’ll never be able to pick one song above all the rest, but I’ll give you my top three favorite songs from the last 3 years:

  1. The River,” by Anathallo (some of the most poetic lyrics I’ve ever heard)
  2. Father’s Clothes,” by Grand Hallway
  3. The King Beetle on the Coconut Estate,” by mewithoutYou

Tyler: “What is justice?”
Joshua: I think justice is when the perpetrators of evil realize that they have done wrong, and actively seek reconciliation with those they have harmed. Justice is inextricably bound to repentance. And repentance is inextricably bound to mercy.
Also, see this video:

Alyssa: “What is your favorite television show a) of all time? b) that is on right now?
Joshua: A) It’s a toss-up between M*A*S*H and LOST. B) Probably either The Walking Dead or Alcatraz.

A few items on my bucket list, in no particular order:

  1. Go to Israel (which is happening in May!)
  2. Canoe down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico
  3. Return to Assisi, Italy, on personal a St. Francis pilgrimage.
  4. Go one full week without speaking.
  5. Visit Iona Abbey in Ireland

Hobbies: Theology. Music. Poetry. Beer. Art. Reading. Philosophizing. Sustainable agriculture.

Kayla: “If you could be any nut, which one would you be?”
Joshua: I’d be a cashew: the fattiest of all the nuts.


Jay: “If you could go back in time and observe one event from Wonder Woman’s invisible jet, what would you observe?”
Joshua: Wait…Wonder Woman’s invisible jet also time travels?
I’m not sure. Maybe I would watch Henry David Thoreau build his cabin on Walden Pond. Or maybe observe Gandhi’s march to the ocean to make salt.

Personal hero: I have a lot of them. Lately, Robert Kennedy has been on my mind a lot. But Jesus and Gandhi are pretty solid frontrunners.

The Salt March

Alyssa: “What makes you love Jesus so much?”
Joshua: At this point in my life, it’s his conviction. A man who believed so passionately in a cause that he died for it; that’s really rare these days. On top of all that, we have all this really fantastic literature about his life and teachings. Jesus is witty, compassionate, angered by injustice. He’s just a regular person. What’s not to love about that?

Tyler: “Where do babies come from?”
Joshua: You know, I asked my dad this same question…


Amber: “If you were building a home after being on the Oregon Trail, what kind of dwelling would you live in?”
Joshua: “You can find me in my wigwam; I’ll be beatin’ on my tomtom…”

Tyler: “Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?”
Joshua: Short answer: I have no earthly idea. But back when I was in Jr. High, I couldn’t for the life of me imagine a point at which I would be old enough to drive a car. In 5 years, I have a feeling I may be wrapping up a PhD. In 10 years, I hope I’ll either be teaching New Testament, or living as a hermit in a tiny house community in the middle of nowhere. Either way, I hope there will be community.

Alyssa: “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?”
Joshua: In a cabin overlooking the bluffs on the Black River.

Jay: “What is your favorite color/type of ceramics glaze and firing?”
Joshua: Definitely the gas-kiln cone 10 Cobalt Blue.

What is the biggest problem in the world?
Joshua: I think people don’t look out for one another enough. It sounds kind of corny, but if we all just reached out to one another a little more, the earth would be a much more just place to live.

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What I do Meme: Intetional Community

Created by: Joshua Smith

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Created by: Jay Howard

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Of Food (or, “I love food. I love every kind of food.”)

It is such a blessing to share life together with friends.

One of the things I enjoy about life in community is food. Food, food, food.

In the Wilson House, we have a way of meal planning that I think is really cool.

Meal Planning

We plan meals a week (or sometimes two weeks) ahead. Once we decide on meals, we write them down on our decorative, dry-erase board which Kayla made.

How do we decide what meals to make?

For inspiration, we look to the coupons!

Once the coupons are located, they're listed on the fridge. This is a new innovation.

Jess is a coupon superhero. She spots deals on all kinds of grocery items—usually on items we were going to purchase anyway, like milk, and sometimes on unique items, like organic romaine hearts.

Once we choose what meals we want, we find recipes. We generate grocery lists from those recipes, which were, in turn, informed by the coupons. Then we shop.

To me, this is a great system. It gives priority to the values of economy and thrift, so it saves the community money. At the same time, it does not mandate that all meal ideas come directly from coupons. Instead, the coupons provide much-needed and much-appreciated inspiration for meal ideas.

Couponing is an involved task. It takes a lot of time, energy and organizational skills to make it work, and we are so happy that Jess uses her talent for the good of the community. Life in community is all about recognizing and nurturing each other’s strengths—because people come up with better solutions when we work together than when we work in isolation.

We take turns preparing meals. We plan five meals a week, and there are five people living in the house. So, this week for example, we each planned a meal.

This is the most egalitarian way to handle the task of meal planning and prep. It is what we strive for, though I think some members end up preparing more meals than me.

Not how we eat.

Common Food

The Wilson House has a common-fund which we use exclusively for expenses that we share. One of those expenses, of course, if food. We practice what I call “100% community food,” which means that, in general, all household food is purchased out of the common fund and used in common. (Though I have been known buy Doritos at the corner store with my own money and eat them secretly. Don’t tell anybody.)

This practice differs from what Amber and I did at Formation House, Pittsburgh. In Pittsburgh we had a partial common purse, as we do in Liberty, which we used for rent, groceries, etc. The difference is that in Pittsburgh we used the common grocery fund only for groceries that were for common meals. Snacks, individual lunches, ect., were purchased separately.

In my experience, both systems can work. The important thing with any system is mutual understanding and clearly articulated expectations.

When we were initially discussing the practice of 100% community food, Tyler pointed out that this is how family units usually operate, too. Rarely does one member of a family purchase a bottle of juice (for example) put it in the fridge, and then declare, “This is my juice!”

Tuesday Night

Tuesday Night at LibertyCommunity is a wonderful time. We have a potluck-isque meal which we coordinate via email the week before. We cycle locations between the Wilson House, the Leonard House, and the Jewel House. We have a recurring taco night, which I love, and other than that, so far it’s something new every week, which I also love. Jordan brings chocolate sheet cake, which (you may be surprised to learn) I love. (I pretty much practice unconditional positive regard for food.)

After dinner, we do common prayer, discuss community business, and sometimes play catchphrase.

Three Personal Goals

In conclusion, I have three personal goals with regard to food at the Wilson House.

One: I want to take an equal share in the meal prep, consistently planning one meal a week, and more if necessary.

Two: I want to get a better a feel for the skill of shopping. I want to play an equal part in the shopping process: Practice, practice, practice.

Three: I want to get a better feel for the skill of improvising recipes. I am a logistical thinker—I think that people go to the trouble of coming up with step-by-step recipes for a reason, and therefore deviation from that recipe constitutes an error, and should be avoided. However, I am starting to get the feeling from my more advance housemates that only rank amateurs stick to recipes.

I got a lot of learn’n to do!


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Member Interview: Jessica Tankersley!

This week, we turn the member spotlight on Jess! Members of the community have submitted questions for this interview. Their names will appear in bold next to their questions.

Now, without further ado, an interview with our dear friend, Jess.

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Full name? Jessica Elaine “Danger” Tankersley

Jay: Jess, did you have any nicknames in highschool?
Actually, in highschool everyone called me Jessica.  I wasn’t called
Jess until college.

A few items on your bucket list include:

  • Travel to Portland,
  • Have a behbeh,
  • pay off all of our debts,
  • camp by myself

Tyler: What are you most excited about becoming a Mom?
Jess: I think having a little person to pour lots of time and energy into.
After spending the last few years learning about child development and
helping other people’s kiddos learn, I am ready to do it with my own
offspring.  Also, seeing Tyler become a dad is going to be special.

Tyler: Where do babies come from?
Jess: I have no idea, really.

Mark: So, who married up, you or Tyler?
Jess: I think we all know the answer to that question. And I honestly don’t
know what that answer implies.

Personal blog url/web location?

Amber: If you had another dog, what would you name it?
Jess: We have always thought that Wedge would be a good dog name.

Wedge could never replace ME, right???

Amber: What is one experience in your faith journey that has really
shaped who you are?
There were a few times in my life when I felt completely overwhelmed
by life and the only thing that has helped is going on the back deck
or a stairwell of the dorms, having a good ugly cry, and then
remembering that God cares and I don’t have to let myself fall victim
to guilt and stress.  There are three times I remember doing this and
I always felt the presence of God.

Alyssa: What is your favorite movie? What is your favorite book?
Jess: I love the movie Home Alone, of course, but I don’t know if it is
necessarily my favorite.  I love the book The Perks of Being a

Jay: Jess, which is your favorite season, and why?
Jess: I like something about every season. Winter: snow. Spring: warm!
Summer: swimming.  Fall: Everything.

Amber: Why are you a vegetarian?
Jess: I am a vegetarian for several reasons.  The most important reason is
that I find the way that animals are treated in factory farms to be
wrong and inhumane.  I feel like being a vegetarian is a peaceful way
to eat.  I also don’t like the taste of meat nearly as much as
veggies!  And donuts!

Jay: If you were a hotdog, and you were starving, would you still be a
Jess: Yes.  I will die with dignity.


  • Crocheting,
  • Piddling around on the internet,
  • reading,
  • watching TV seasons on DVD,
  • researching creative activities to do with kids

Tyler: What books are you reading right now?
Jess: I am still working on The Picture of Dorian Gray and What to Expect
When You Are Expecting, and I am also reading an embarrassing read
called Three Girls and a Baby.

What is the biggest problem in the world?
People being mean and selfish and not being able to let things go.
There are huge problems, but I think a lot boils down to this.

Alyssa: If you could live any place in the world, where would it be?
Jess: Somewhere urban-ish where my family is less than 45 minutes away.

Jay: What is your favorite crochet stitch? Why?
Jess: I think double crochet.  Quick and easy, gets the job done.

What is your favorite thing about community?
I love the way that sharing responsibilities gives us all freedom to
explore our passions, I never get lonely, and I love our conversations
over dinner.

Personal hero?
Captain Planet

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Member Interview: Jason Allen Howard

Full name?
Jason Allen Howard

What does community mean to you?
For me, community is the act of gathering around something held in common, whether it is a common vision, a common cause, a common interest, or simply a common humanity.

Personal blog url/web location?
My blog is called Theory and Practice, and Amber and I have a blog called Adventures in Togetherness.

Josh: “What is your favorite piece of fiction?”
Father Sergius by Tolstoy

Favorite movie?
The Professional.

Favorite song and or artist?
Kayla’s upcoming single, Songify Thai.

Favorite food?
Vegetable beef soup! (and baby back ribs from Smoking Guns BBQ) (and chocolate sheet cake) (and pizza).

Amber: “Jay: When can we get a puppy?”
As soon as possible!

Tyler: What is the longest amount of time you have spent in solitude? Was it a good or bad experience?
One Spring Break I took a multi-day solo retreat to Busiek state park and camped by a stream. I think it was a three or four day trip. It was a great experience for me. I took a loaf of bread and several gallons of water, and a small blank journal which I filled up during the trip. (I took proper precautions–several people knew where I was, and I had first aid and an exit ready if I needed it.)

Where did you go to college, and what did you study?
Missouri State. I studied organizational communication and minored in religious studies.

Mark: “When did you first believe in your ability to communicate?”
I’m not sure. I remember I was very nervous the first time I preached at my church growing up. I was surprised to find that the nervousness went away once I started talking.

Hero/person who inspires you?
Nicholas Copernicus.

Reading, writing, cycling, chess, frisbee.

A few items on your bucket list include:

  • Some year I want to camp at least once a month every month of the year.
  • Write books.
  • Grin a bear.

If you could have coffee with one person living or dead, who would you pick and why?
NASA’s Martian rover Curiosity. I would say, “Hi, Curiosity. Been anywhere interesting lately?” And it would probably zap me with its laser.

Johnny 5 don't drink coffee!

Josh: “Jay: What is the best piece of existential writing you’ve ever read?”
One of my favorites is The Trial by Kafka.

Favorite Author?
The good people who write Wikipedia.

Biggest problem in the world?
Ignorance and Want.

Favorite color?

Tyler: “Where do babies come from?”
As with most theological questions, it’s unclear.

Alyssa: “Jay, if you could travel to one place in the entire world, where would you go?”
I would use the trip to kick off my “tree tour of the world,” in which I visit all the oldest, tallest, and most amazing trees. I would either visit the giant sequoias, or the baobab trees of Africa.

Tyler: “If you could be any animal what would you be?”
I’d want to be a honey badger, because honey badgers are carefree animals, I’ve heard.

What is your favorite drink?

Josh: “Also, who killed J.R.?”
I don’t know who that is. But so far as I can tell, I did!

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Cooking over an open fire

Josh and I made a stew over an open fire using a cast iron dutch oven and fire irons.

Tiny Red and Yukon Gold potatoes, a beet, a quart of homemade veggie broth, a quarter pound of lentils, an orange pepper, an onion, and some celery.

Best. Soup. Ever.

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Member Interview: Alyssa Bennett Smith

This week, we turn the member spotlight on Alyssa! Several members of the community have submitted questions for this interview. Their names will appear next to their questions.

Now, without further ado, an interview with our dear friend, Alyssa.

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Full name: Alyssa Bennett Smith

Personal blog url/web location?
(but I rarely use it)

Amber: What draws you to share your life in intentional community?
Alyssa: I feel as though life is more fun, more fulfilling, and more productive when lived with other people.  Human kind was not meant to be alone.

Marilyn: What is your top three short list of places to go in the United States that you haven’t yet been?
Alyssa: Hmmmm . . . probably out west mostly, because the furthest west I have visited is Kansas.  Probably Seattle, Portland, and San Fransisco. Although, I hear Maine is gorgeous and I love the east coast, so probably there, too.

A few items on your bucket list include:
1) Living outside the country
2) visiting all of the national parks (especially Yosemite)
3) Maybe writing a book.

Favorite author? It’s a tie between Sloane Crosley and David Sedaris.
They’re both essayists/humorists and HILARIOUS.

Favorite food? Potato Chips.  Or mashed potatoes.  Or really, almost any kind of potato.  Except sweet potatoes.  Ick.

Amber: If you throw a cat out the window would you consider that kitty litter?

Jay: Margarita or Greek? Margarita.
Alyssa: Definitely. But with spinach.

Jess: What is your favorite childhood memory?
Alyssa: Playing in the summer evenings with the kids from my neighborhood.  There were a lot of us, and Ohio weathers have long days and mild weather, so we spent a lot of time outside.  We invented a game called Racquetball, which was like baseball but with a tennis ball and a tennis racket, so even kids who couldn’t hit in real baseball (me) stood a chance at being good at the game(and I was).  It wasn’t until several years later that we found out that racquetball was already a game.  I still like ours better.

Josh: Alyssa, which is your favorite cat, So-So or Yare? Why?
Alyssa: I cannot pick a favorite.  They’re both awesome, and adorable, and cuddle with me.  Although, Yare has definitely wounded me less than Soso.  Take that as you will.

Favorite movie and/or actor? My favorite movie is Dead Poets Society and my favorite actor is Alan Alda, who is surprisingly not in Dead Poets Society.

Tyler: What happens inside of you when you are making art?
Alyssa: That depends what kind of art it is.  If it’s graphic design work, there is usually a song in my head that plays over and over again until I finish the project.  If I’m painting, there is tremendous amounts of cursing going on in my head.  And usually coming out of my mouth, as well.

Favorite visual artist? Barbara Kruger. Don’t google her unless you want to feel seriously unsettled.

Hobbies? Sewing, general crafting, painting, singing, occasionally writing, hanging out with my kitties, and organizing things (whether they belong to me or not)

Kayla: What is your favorite thing to craft?
Alyssa: My favorite thing to craft is quilts, especially for other people’s babies 🙂

Tyler: Where do babies come from?
Alyssa: If you haven’t figured it out by now, I don’t think you will.

Most embarrassing moment? I don’t get embarrassed very easily, but I would have to say in 6th grade when my science teacher announced in front of the whole class that I was getting detention.  That was the first time ever (of two times in my life, both of which occurred in the same week in 6th grade) that I ever received detention, and I felt it was unwarranted.  So did my mother.  That teacher got an ear-full, but I still got detention.

Josh: What are you looking forward to most about your upcoming trip to Thailand/Myanmar?
Alyssa: I am looking forward to learning more about Buddhism, because what little I know really fascinates me, but I don’t know much.  I’m also looking forward to spending time with my cohort.  Because they are awesome.  We are basically the best cohort ever.  Just sayin’.

Personal hero? Pat Reagan.  She was the chair of the art department while I was in college and I love her to death.  She  is a really inspiring, encouraging, loving woman.  I hope I’m just like her when I grow up. Also, Alan Alda and Martin Sheen.

If you could have coffee with one person living or dead, who would you pick and why? President Josiah Bartlet.  He’s not real, but I pick him anyway.

Jess: Do you have any conspiracy theories that you subscribe to?
Alyssa: I am a little paranoid when it comes to things like government surveillance.  Reading 1984 kind of ruined me that way.  But seriously, doesn’t it strike you as odd that you can go to a store, swipe a card, and in some cases not even have to sign your name to purchase things? “Oh, it’s ok, all of your financial and personal information is contained on this tiny plastic card and can be easily accessed by swiping it through this tiny machine.”  That’s a little weird to me.

What is the biggest problem in the world? Human selfishness.

Mark: Just curious Alyssa…What is your favorite kind of sausage?
Alyssa: The kind that is made from soy and doesn’t include ground up ears, snouts and tails of pigs.  Also, I prefer chorizo-like seasoning.  Yummm spicy.


Amber: Alyssa, what would your perfect day look like from beginning to end?
Alyssa: I would wake up early, but well rested.  It would be raining, but warm.  I would be productive, but not stressed (which clearly means that I would be off of work that day).  I would spend a lot of time alone, but also plenty of time with my husband, kitties, and close friends in community.  Actually, it would look a lot like this Tuesday.

Jess: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Alyssa: I want to be loving, generous, relaxed, sure of what I know and willing to learn what I don’t.  Other than that, I haven’t got a clue.


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