Member Interview: Jason Allen Howard

Full name?
Jason Allen Howard

What does community mean to you?
For me, community is the act of gathering around something held in common, whether it is a common vision, a common cause, a common interest, or simply a common humanity.

Personal blog url/web location?
My blog is called Theory and Practice, and Amber and I have a blog called Adventures in Togetherness.

Josh: “What is your favorite piece of fiction?”
Father Sergius by Tolstoy

Favorite movie?
The Professional.

Favorite song and or artist?
Kayla’s upcoming single, Songify Thai.

Favorite food?
Vegetable beef soup! (and baby back ribs from Smoking Guns BBQ) (and chocolate sheet cake) (and pizza).

Amber: “Jay: When can we get a puppy?”
As soon as possible!

Tyler: What is the longest amount of time you have spent in solitude? Was it a good or bad experience?
One Spring Break I took a multi-day solo retreat to Busiek state park and camped by a stream. I think it was a three or four day trip. It was a great experience for me. I took a loaf of bread and several gallons of water, and a small blank journal which I filled up during the trip. (I took proper precautions–several people knew where I was, and I had first aid and an exit ready if I needed it.)

Where did you go to college, and what did you study?
Missouri State. I studied organizational communication and minored in religious studies.

Mark: “When did you first believe in your ability to communicate?”
I’m not sure. I remember I was very nervous the first time I preached at my church growing up. I was surprised to find that the nervousness went away once I started talking.

Hero/person who inspires you?
Nicholas Copernicus.

Reading, writing, cycling, chess, frisbee.

A few items on your bucket list include:

  • Some year I want to camp at least once a month every month of the year.
  • Write books.
  • Grin a bear.

If you could have coffee with one person living or dead, who would you pick and why?
NASA’s Martian rover Curiosity. I would say, “Hi, Curiosity. Been anywhere interesting lately?” And it would probably zap me with its laser.

Johnny 5 don't drink coffee!

Josh: “Jay: What is the best piece of existential writing you’ve ever read?”
One of my favorites is The Trial by Kafka.

Favorite Author?
The good people who write Wikipedia.

Biggest problem in the world?
Ignorance and Want.

Favorite color?

Tyler: “Where do babies come from?”
As with most theological questions, it’s unclear.

Alyssa: “Jay, if you could travel to one place in the entire world, where would you go?”
I would use the trip to kick off my “tree tour of the world,” in which I visit all the oldest, tallest, and most amazing trees. I would either visit the giant sequoias, or the baobab trees of Africa.

Tyler: “If you could be any animal what would you be?”
I’d want to be a honey badger, because honey badgers are carefree animals, I’ve heard.

What is your favorite drink?

Josh: “Also, who killed J.R.?”
I don’t know who that is. But so far as I can tell, I did!

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1 Response to Member Interview: Jason Allen Howard

  1. Joshua says:

    Woah! The “Ignorance and Want” photo is a still from my FAVORITE version of “A Christmas Carol” ever! Have you seen it, Jay?

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