Member Spotlight: Tyler!

Full name: Patrick Tyler Tankersley

Personal web location:
(though I don’t use it much anymore)

Alyssa: Tyler, how would you best define community?
Tyler: Friends who feel like family.

Nerf or nothin'

Alyssa: Tyler, what is your dream job?
Tyler: Hmm…honestly…I think I would love to be a Postal Carrier. Not one who rides around and sticks hands into mailboxes, but a Postal Carrier who walks around and gets to know a neighborhood. Either that for a Hebrew Bible professor. Of course, in the right context, I think I might even enjoy being a pastor.

Amber: What book in the Bible do you find is the most inspiring for how to live your life and why?
Tyler: Ezekiel. Hands down. Here’s a man who begins his life being groomed for priesthood when suddenly the experience of exile rips that future from him. So, he adapts. He becomes this odd mix of priest-prophet. And he somehow transforms his whole existence and identity into a symbol of hope for some exiled, down-and-out folks. It’s a great story.

Mark: Why do you want to be ordained?
Tyler: Two reasons:

  1. My community of faith (Second Baptist) asked me to be. I take that request very seriously and see it as a humbling honor that they would see qualities in me that would move them towards asking that of me.
  2. Ordination is a symbol for me. It is a reminder to (no matter what career I choose) be a servant who always considers how my life and resources can be used to bring the Dream of God into this world.

Alyssa: Tyler, what do you most enjoy about working with youth?
Tyler: It’s the combination of their need for comfort and their desire to break free.

Josh: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Tyler: I’m honestly not sure. I am enjoying what I do now, but I could also see myself just simply dropping it and moving on to something else at some point. Who knows?

Josh: What makes you angry?
Tyler: Self-centeredness.

What is the biggest problem in the world?

Jay: Tyler, what is the meaning of life?
Tyler: As Zen as this may sound, I truly do believe that everyone has to figure that out for themselves. We can obviously state what the meaning of our lives is (as far as we know) and perhaps our reasoning will resonate with another. But I don’t think there is an overall answer that can be applied to each and every human journey. For me, I would say that my life (at least I hope) is a perpetual journey towards goodness and grace.

Jess: What song inspires you the most?
Tyler:Breathe Me” by Sia (at the moment). Those last scenes of Six Feet Under are really powerful and they inspire me to live every moment of life with appreciation.

Favorite songs/artists: Either Ben Folds, Sufjan Stevens, or Gungor.

Jess: Who is your favorite movie/television character?
Tyler: Well, the answer to that question changes frequently. I just finished watching a French movie (Des Hommes et Des Dieux / Of Gods and Men) about a group of Trappist monks who stick by their commitments in light of numerous threats. It’s an inspiring story, so I would currently answer that question by saying those blessed brothers.

Kayla: Favorite Arrested Development quote?
Tyler: This gets pretty close at it:

To be honest, I tend to simply immerse myself in my family, friends, and work. Those are my hobbies. Those and reading. I do love me some reading.

Josh: What would you say is your greatest ethical concern at the moment?
Tyler: Currently, I am wrestling with my eating habits. Specifically, I don’t want to contribute to cycles of needless violence towards animals, however I am not completely convinced that being vegetarian is the appropriate or even effective response.

Josh: In a chess match between Ben Linus and Batman, who would win?
Tyler: Ben would somehow manipulate Batman into sacrificing his own King all in the name of “Jacob.” Of course, once the game is over Batman would just pummel Ben’s face. Not sure who comes out on top in the long run.

Jay: Do you have a favorite place? If so, where?
Tyler: My grandparents’ home in Grassy, MO is the most holy place on the earth. Every inch of that place speaks scores of memories to my soul. My grandparents are in the twilight of their lives, and they are not the same people they were when I was a kid. But when I go back to their house, it reminds me of what life with them used to be like. It is literally my favorite place on the whole planet.

Amber: What is your favorite time of day?
Tyler: For whatever reason I have always loved 11:00 AM-12:00 PM. Especially when it’s cloudy and windy, but not raining.

Jess: Describe your perfect day.
Tyler: Today. I slept in. Had a delicious breakfast. Laid on the couch with Jess just talking for about two hours. Read a few chapters in the book I’m reading. We grabbed a cheap lunch and walked around World Market. Came home. Hung out with the youth for a little while. Watched a movie while I ate Thai food. Ending it all by slipping into bed next to Jess. About as close to a perfect day as I can imagine.

Amber: What will you do with all your time when you aren’t in school anymore?
Tyler: I would imagine spend time with my son. It’s going to be so great.

Kayla: What about fatherhood makes you the most excited?
Tyler: I think it’s the feeling of trying to provide a place for my kid to discern who they are and what they want out of life. And then being a part of their journey in figuring all that out.

Mark: What will you and Jess name your child?
Tyler:Bob Evans Tankersley

Alyssa: Tyler, where do babies come from?
Tyler: Jess

Jess: Where do babies come from?
Tyler: You.

Personal heros:
Batman. Paul Farmer. St. Francis of Assisi. My friends. Anyone who puts the needs of others before their own.

Jess: Why do you always splatter toothpaste all over the mirror?
Tyler: To keep you guessing.

Amber: How do you even get toothpaste on the mirror?
Tyler: It’s easier than you’d imagine.

Jay: Invisibility or flight?
Tyler: I have a recurring dream in which I have extremely distinct sensations of flying. It was me simply propelling upwards. I honestly would love to feel that in reality. So, flight. Definitely flight.

Mark: How are you most like Patrick?
Tyler:My Dad and I both love being around people. However, we also really require moments of solitude. Also, my Dad and I can throw back snacks like there’s no tomorrow.

Josh: What makes you hangry?
Tyler: A lack of snacks in the house.

Jay: Tyler, where did your interest in animals originate?
Tyler: Hmm…I have always been fascinated with animals. My Grandma & Grandpa (who had cable!) used to tape Discovery Channel documentaries that Caleb and I would watch over and over and over. I think my fascination with animals was rejuvenated when my animal companion, Walter, came into my life. Knowing him has really been a joy that I feel privileged to experience. As cheesy as it may sound to some, Walter is truly one of my best friends.

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